Facial Treatments

In order to make it onto my menu of treatments, each one has to combine pampering and relaxation with truly effective results. There is no room in my repertoire for treatments that feel good but have no real benefit. Nor do I accept any treatments that benefit the skin but that are painful or uncomfortable. I absolutely believe that we can age gracefully, beautifully, and luxuriously – without any need for drastic, invasive treatments.

So, whether you want to defy age through the use of specialist ingredients and bespoke treatments, or you want to eliminate acne and blemishes, you can trust that my treatments will deliver real results.

Lisa’s Bespoke Facial

It takes a very special treatment to be my namesake, and this facial is certainly both pampering and effective. During our time together, I’ll analyse your skin type and discuss your concerns in order to determine the most appropriate treatment for you. This may mean combining an assortment of elements, such as peeling, galvanic treatments and microcurrents (forms of cosmetic electrotherapy to tone and lift the face), mesotherapy, ultrasound and LED. All treatments will be discussed with you first and can be adjusted to suit any concerns you may have.

60 minutes – £89
90 minutes – £110

Glow Hydra Facial

The Glow Hydra Facial has been developed to offer the complete facial experience to target an array of concerns including dehydration, oxygenation, anti-ageing, brightening, skin tightening and congestion. Offering seven different technologies which smooth, hydrate and cleanse the skin, I am able to tailor your facial to your specific concerns and requirements.

During a Glow Hydra Facial, one or all of the available technologies will be used in order to create a completely bespoke treatment package; including radiofrequency skin tightening, ultrasonic treatment, hydro peel, deep cleanse, exfoliation, oxygenation, hydration and cryo-facial.

Standard Glow Hydra Facial Treatment (60 Minutes) £99

Extended Glow Hydra Facial Treatments (90 Minutes) for additional tightening £129

Course of 5 standard Glow Hydra Facial Treatments (60 Minutes) 7 – 10 days apart £399

Non-Surgical Facelift

It is possible to enhance your natural beauty without resorting to invasive methods. This non-surgical facelift is one of the more advanced facial treatments, designed specifically to create long-lasting results. The treatment includes the following components:

  • Thermotherapy: a warm disc application treatment that is used to open surface skin pores, preparing skin for the next steps of this facial whilst also improving blood circulation.
  • Diamond Tip Abrasion: a non-invasive method of rejuvenation by means of mechanical exfoliation without the use of crystals, chemicals or laser, so that surface skin can be safely removed in a far less aggressive way than crystal-based treatments. Enables new skin cell regeneration, which can dramatically improve surface skin texture and appearance, leaving skin looking rejuvenated and radiant whilst, at the same time, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Ultra Sound: Working on an output of 1.1 MHz the ultra sound waveform stimulates the skin tissue and improves the permeability of the cell membrane. This step improves and increases collagen production, improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and breaks down the fatty deposits to reduce cellulite. This process also helps the infusion of product deep within the skin.
  • Cryotherapy: closes skin pores and seals the products within the areas treated.

A course of treatment is recommended. For maximum results call the salon for a free consultation.

70 minutes – £95

Ultimate Cell Machine

The Cell Ultimate is a 6 in 1 machine offering a personalised treatment to your specific requirements and skin needs on each appointment

Following your skin assessment different treatment applications will be chosen for their immediate and long-term benefit, therefore your treatment may change as your skin responds to the applications and products that are used.

Express treatments are available, and I may choose to lengthen the time with specific applications, or use only one application within a single treatment, such as hydro-dermabrasion on your first treatment, as this is particularly beneficial at deep cleaning your skin, improving vitality and the skins ability to respond to future infused nutrients.

In consultation I will provide you with a treatment plan and focus on your key concerns to achieve the best possible results over a course of treatments.

The Cell Ultimate treatment can be tailor made to treat conditions such as aged skin, including wrinkles, sagging skin, pigmentation & melasma, dull lifeless skin, smokers’ skin, rosacea, acne rosacea, sensitive skin conditions, dark eye circle and general age repair of the eye contour area.

The Ultrasonic Spatula has a lovely tingling feeling on your skin, removes pollution and impurities, helps dislodge blackheads, exfoliates, increases blood circulation and oxygen levels, increases cellular repair, prepares the skin for delivery of nutrients and increases radiance and glow

Hydro-dermabrasion has a small jet of water or solution that also has a light vacuum that is surprisingly relaxing that washes and sucks up and remove pollution, impurities and blackheads. It also:

  • Increases blood circulation and oxygen levels
  • Increases delivery of nutrients into the skin
  • Increases cellular repair
  • Improves skin tone
  • Increases radiance and glow

The Multipolar Radio Frequency & EMC feels slightly warm and tingling, the warmth is the radio frequency and the tingling is the stimulation of the muscles which leads to

  • Facial lifting
  • Skin tightening
  • Expression line & wrinkle reduction
  • Reduces dark circles & puffiness
  • Stimulates new collagen & elastin production
  • Breaks down damaged collagen fibres

Ultrasound has a pleasant warm feeling as it delivers nutrients into the skin (meso solutions or beauty concentrates). It also:

  • Firms the skin
  • Stimulates collagen
  • Increases cell communication
  • Increases skin moisture and hydration
  • Balances skin tone
  • Balances skin pH
  • Treats scalp conditions

Cryotherapy is cold and helps to seal the skin after your facial.

  • Soothes inflammation
  • Speeds up natural healing
  • Increases cellular repair
  • Increases blood circulation and oxygen levels
  • Increases absorption of products
  • Improves skin tone and firmness
  • Shrinks pores

Needle-free mesotherapy is an increasingly popular choice of mesotherapy application due to its success in delivering active ingredients into both the superficial and deeper layers of the skin without side effects or pain.

Generally, the needle-free application is performed using an electrical current know as electroporation, however the CEll Ultimate treatment incorporates a NEW technology, developed in Germany that consists of a high-pressured air jet system known as TDA injection technology. This technology is non-invasive and without needles, transporting the desired mesotherapy solution into the skin safely and efficiently.

Due to the nature of the treatment, the CEll Ultimate Mesotherapy Jet allows the operator to treat a wide spectrum of skin conditions, and the application time is reduced making the treatment more attractive and accommodating to busy lifestyles.

Although many skin conditions can be treated with the mesotherapy jet, lack of nutrition, dehydration and acne are the most requested conditions and are successfully treated over a course of treatments.

The technology of the mesotherapy jet allows for adaption of pressure, dose, and depth, which makes this treatment suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin conditions, furthermore this treatment may be an option and beneficial to anyone who suffers with specific health concerns that makes them contra-indicated to treatments that incorporate electrical equipment.

60 minutes – £89

90 minutes – £120


One of my newest treatments, and one that is garnering a great deal of excitement, the XPERT is a new concept in non-invasive aesthetic medicine. An advanced approach to mesotherapy based on a combination of electroporation and photo bio-stimulation, which delivers products through the epidermis to the dermis via cellular pores in a more efficient manner. As the product is delivered to the heart of the skin cells, an LED light is emitted to activate certain biological functions of the skin and the cells.

65 minutes – £89


One of my most popular skin treatments, microdermabrasion is the act of exfoliating the skin by using a diamond tip to buffer and soothe the surface of the skin. It encourages increased levels of collagen, deeply cleanses clogged pores and removes acne scars, uneven pigmentation and dry or oily skin.

45 minutes – £50

Glycolic Skin Peeling

This treatment is excellent at reducing the appearance of fine lines, age spots and wrinkles. The glycolic skin peel painlessly dissolves the layer of dead skin cells, revealing the healthy, glowing skin beneath.

Because the glycolic skin peel penetrates through the upper layer of the skin, working from the bottom up, there’s no chance of surface blemishes remaining.

A course of treatments is recommended.

One Treatment – £72

Course of 3 – £175

Course of 6 – £330

PH Formula advanced Skin Resurfacing

Although it has been around in some form since the 1980s, skin resurfacing represents the next level of skin care and anti-ageing. Scientific advancements have greatly enhanced the understanding and knowledge of what skin resurfacing is and its potential. Skin resurfacing is one of the fastest growing sectors in the market.

PH Formula has taken skin resurfacing even further; with dermatological, non-invasive and tailored skin resurfacing treatments based on over three decades of combined scientific, medical and skin health knowledge and experience.

PH Formula’s skin resurfacing system is targeted to the needs of your skin type – whether that is anti-ageing, hyperpigmentation, chronic redness, acne, wrinkles, or even if you are looking for an instant boost. Different treatments can be combined in a specially-designed program with controlled strength and depth depending on the sensitivity levels of your skin.

 The ‘layer and leave-on’ treatments don’t need to be timed as the products are self-neutralising and can be left on the skin. A package of integrated support products can be used at home, guaranteeing the best possible results and maintenance. The ‘outside in’ and ‘inside out’ philosophy ensures powerful nutrients are put to work inside, while your skin is rapidly restored on the surface.

 One Treatment – £80

 Course of 3 – £210

 Course of 6 – £390

Ekseption Advanced Skin Peels

This range of advanced skin peels has 11 different varieties, designed to help every skin type and condition from fine lines and wrinkles to pigmentation and acne. Amongst other benefits, this treatment improves your skin’s overall appearance – providing a smoother, more even complexion; improves dry skin, diminishes Couperose, and improves acne.

Best results are achieved with a course of three to six treatments, with one week between each treatment.

One Treatment – £85

Course of 3 – £225

Course of 6 – £430

PRX-T33 skin bio Rejuvenation Treatment

Imagine a medical TCS peel that doesn’t cause any damage to the outer surface of the skin but penetrates almost instantly to the deeper layers of the epidermis down to the basal layer where it can stimulate, renew and regenerate. Well, the solution has now arrived in the PRX-T33 medical peel . Made possible by the addition of hydrogen peroxide which modifies the skin barrier and promotes penetration without causing any harm or pain and producing and immediate and evident firming of the skin. Ideal to reduce fine lines, crepe skin, rehydrate and thicken the dermis. The addition of Kojic Acid to the formula also helps to deal with pigmentation issues.

PRX-T33 was developed with safety in mind, containing proven and safe ingredients that have a wealth of evidence for their use. It is suitable for all ages, skin types and skin colours.

There are no needles and the procedure is non-invasive. It may create a mild stinging or burning sensation but no pain, no downtime and no peeling. It is non-photosensitsing so can be performed any time of the year.

You may not be suitable for treatment if you have any of the following:

  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
  • Infection/inflammation at the injection site including herpetic outbreaks
  • An impaired immune system or undergoing treatment for cancer
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients of the peel
  • Sensitive/irritable skin

Single PRX-T33 treatment – £150

WIQo Smoothing Face Cream 30ml – £89

WIQo Nourishing and Moisturising Dry Face Cream 50ml – £89

WIQo Nourishing and Moisturising Normal/Combination Face Cream 50ml – £89


Nappage Micro Needling (Anti-Ageing)

A non-surgical treatment that introduces micro-injections of product into the skin to treat conditions such as sun damage, sagging skin, wrinkles, and dehydration. Regular treatments lead to visibly more plumped, youthful-looking skin. Products including vitamins A B C, peptides, hyaluronic acid are used depending on the client’s needs.

55 minutes – £95

Fractional Mesotherapy with multi needle pen . Also known as CIT Collagen Induction Therapy (microneedling)

Fractional Mesotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that utilises the body’s natural ability to produce collagen. Therefore it is best suited to anyone looking to reduce the depth and length of deep wrinkles, to eradicate fine lines or for anyone who wishes to improve the structure of their skin and to prevent skin sagging.

Due to the advanced Fusion Mesotherapy solutions that are incorporated in the treatment excellent results are achieved when treating a variety of other conditions such as:

  • Sun damage & pigmentation
  • Uneven dull lifeless skin
  • Age spots
  • Dehydration
  • Expression wrinkles
  • Acne, acne scarring
  • Rosacea & broken capillaries
  • Loss of skin firmness
  • Eye fat bags & puffiness
  • Double chin
  • Localised fat

One Treatment – £125

Course of 5 – £525

Mesotherapy micro injections with NCTF 135HA using Nano needle

This Mesotherapy treatment is a technique that involves micro-injections into the epidermis of the unique CE marked, NCTF 135HA formula by Filorga. This aesthetic formula consists of hyaluronic acid for ultimate hydration as well vitamins, amino acids, co-enzymes, minerals and proteins. This ultimate cocktail of natural ingredients help to treat ageing skin and improve the overall skin quality revealing brighter, healthier more youthful looking skin.

This ionic balancing formula has 55 ingredients to repair the skin layers. Fillmed NCTF 135HA® actively repairs the skin to replace minerals that are deficient such as Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium.

Also with pure hyaluronic acid, it gives instant results to improve your skins natural brightness and water levels. The filler has many uses including filling wrinkles and the back of hands, inside of legs and arms, as well as the abdomen and neck area.

Ingredients and Concentration:

23mg/ml hyaluronic acid (non animal)

What happens following the superficial injection?

NCTF 135HA stimulates production of skin cells so that the added nutrients and vitamins can work in optimum conditions under the skin. NCTF 135HA also stimulates human tissue growth. This treatment can help eliminate dark circles under the eye area, as well as reducing nasolabial folds and marionette lines. A number of other benefits include redefining the nose-eyebrow area and increasing lip volume.

What’s Inside the Formula?

There are 14 vitamins inside NCTF 135HA. Vitamins A, B, C and E are just a few that contribute to skin cell stimulation. Alongside this, there are also 24 different amino acids that help produce elastin and collagen, two significant proteins making up the skin layers. To combat free radicals, there are also 2 anti-oxidants to ensure your skin remains healthy and glowing.

Course of 3 – £300
Course of 5 – £450

Treatments are 2/3 week apart and then a top up every 4/6 months

LED Light Therapy

The ultimate rejuvenation and anti-ageing facial treatment. This is now an immensely popular treatment and the LED treatments I favour are the Dermalux Dome and the Neoelegance Mask. 

So what is involved? During this treatment, your skin will be exposed to LED light, which activates the skins photoreceptors and lets the skin cells absorb its energy. It accelerates cell biochemical circulation and stimulates the production of collagen among other processes.

Three different ‘modes’ are available for this therapy:

 The Anti-Aging Mode:

  • clinically proved treatment with visible results
  • produces an instant lift with long term facial contouring
  • increases collagen synthesis
  • softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • naturally increases hydration
  • heals the skin after invasive treatments like micro needling

The Anti­Breakout Mode:

  • reduces breakouts and problem skin
  • prevents future breakouts
  • calms redness
  • regulates sebum production

The Total Skin Rejuvenation Mode: 

  • targets multiple skin conditions
  • gets benefits of all wavelengths in one 20-minute session

30 minutes – £50

30-minute session in addition to any bespoke facial – £25 in addition to the price of a facial

CEll Ultimate Facial Treatments

Prescribed, bespoke facials, designed for anyone wishing to treat multiple conditions and concerns over a course of treatments.

Each CEll Ultimate treatment is adapted to your specific needs at the time of each appointment taking into consideration your skin response over the course of corrective treatments.

Common skin concerns such as:

Sensitivity, acne, rosacea, sun damage, dehydration, and signs of ageing can all be treated as part of a personalised treatment plan.

60 mins – £89
90 mins – £120

CEll Ultimate Mesotherapy Treatments

A healthy approach to skin therapy!

Mesotherapy bio-revitalisation is the revitalisation of the skin in a biological way through bio-nutrition (nutrients placed into the superficial layers of the skin) to nourish, balance, repair, regenerate, and to return radiance and life to the skin. A wide variety of skin conditions can naturally benefit from mesotherapy over a course of treatments or monthly applications.

The needle-free and painless application is the latest technology and approach in successfully and comfortably delivering mesotherapy solutions into superficial skin layers, to then be naturally transported into the deepest layers of the skin for maximum benefit. Our needle-free jet can be used to deliver meso solutions into the scalp, face, neck, décolleté, arms, hands and other areas of the body.

60 mins – £89
90 mins – £120

CEll Ultimate Hydra-Dermabrasion Facial Treatments

An effective exfoliating treatment that uses air and specific solutions chosen for your skin type to remove toxins, dead skin cells and blackheads at high speed. This treatment is effective but gentle, making it suitable for all skin types including sensitive skins, and will improve your lymphatic system, reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and increase skin hydration and radiance.

CEll Ultimate offers complete flexibility as we can adapt different levels of the treatment to your specific needs, creating bespoke preventative, or curative facial treatments that are more precise and beneficial to you.

60 mins – £89
90 mins – £120

Deep Cleansing Facial

Do you feel that your skin looks dry, dull or simply not at its best? This facial is designed to repair damaged skin cells. It works by cleansing deeply, resulting in a toning, tightening and strengthening of the skin. Your face will look fresh and rejuvenated. This treatment includes exfoliation, double cleanse, extraction, massage, and mask.

60 minutes – £70

Deep Cleansing Deluxe Facial

This facial uses the same techniques used in the deep cleansing facial but includes a luxurious deep-pore cleansing treatment and a relaxing neck and shoulder massage.

75 minutes – £80

Back Deep Cleansing Treatment

This treatment is an excellent combination of luxury and real necessity for what is often the most neglected part of our bodies. During this treatment, I apply much the same facial method to the back as I would to the face. First, the back is cleansed and exfoliated. Next, impurities and imperfections are extracted from beneath the skin’s surface, followed by a high frequency process to deep clean and help with break outs. Then, a purifying mask is applied before, finally, the back is moisturized to restore nutrients and hydration.

This treatment not only ensures that your back is always ready to be on show but is an excellent maintenance method to treat and prevent breakouts.

45 minutes – £50

Facial treatments require a 48 hour cancellation policy otherwise a 50% charge will be applied. 24 hour notice required for all other treatments

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