Taking care of our skin is an important part of staying healthy and younger looking. Our skin is the first thing many people notice about us and if it looks tired, dull or lifeless, it can make us look much older than we really are. While there are a wide range of anti-aging skin care products available today, many of them don’t live up to their claims or they take much longer than we would like to provide the results we want.

With that being said, there is one anti-aging skin care treatment that can give you the results you want quickly and much more effectively. It’s called Mesotherapy and it goes beyond treating the way your skin looks to help restore it by replenishing important levels of essential nutrients that our bodies stop producing as we age.

What Is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a safe, non-surgical procedure that uses micro-injections of nutrient-rich formulas into the mesoderm, which is about 4-6 mm beneath the skin’s surface, to help rejuvenate the skin. Depending on your skin’s specific needs, the mixture will be different from patient to patient. Using a combination of ingredients including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, coenzymes and antioxidants, Mesotherapy provides a wide range of anti-aging benefits including:

  • Increased Collagen Reproduction
  • Wrinkle Depletion
  • A Reduction In Fine Lines And Crow’s Feet
  • Brighter Complexion
  • And More!

The Benefits Of Mesotherapy Ingredients

Skin Brightening- mesotherapy’s skin brightening compounds can help with pigmentation issues, age spots, acne marks, uneven skin tone and melasma.

Glutathione- glutathione is a naturally occurring compound in our bodies that decreases as we age. Mesotherapy increases glutathione to help improve skin tone and to act as an antioxidant.

Vitamin C- vitamin C is an effective antioxidant that can fight free radicals, boost collagen synthesis, regulate melanin production and rejuvenate the skin.

Hydration- specific ingredients used in mesotherapy can help rehydrate dry skin leaving it feeling soft, supple and firmer.

Hyaluronic Acid- hyaluronic acid can hold 1000 times more water than its own weight and can help restore your skins youthful appearance.

Vitamin E- vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that works well as an anti-aging ingredient to nourish the skin and help prevent water loss.

Glycolic Acid- glycolic acid can help exfoliate dead skin cells and increase collagen production.
Contact Glow West

To learn more about Mesotherapy, contact the skin rejuvenation experts at Glow West today!